18:50時まで、LETS TALK / 18:50時まで、LETS TALK

이 녹화는 비공개입니다
  • 레벨 19
  • 서포터 35
Im a broke Latina currently living in Japan. I want to become a Vtuber but being a PNGtuber will do for now! I also want to practice my Japanese and practice speaking it! I LOVE NIJISANJI & MANGA! 日本に住んでいます!ブイチューバーになりたいですが、お金がねぇぇ。まぁまぁ頑張ります!日本にすんでいますので、日本語練習したい!
Background Music: DOVA SYNDROME Links:
Starting Music: "Yours" by ISAo (イサオ) dova-s.jp/_contents/author/profile081...  
Paused/General Background Music: "Three Keys (Freestyle Rap Beat No.02)" by Khan
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