Mind Control War
Silicon Valley already silently declared war on your privacy and security.

‘The deep state is real’ Kim Dotcom suggests McAfe

‘The deep state is real’ Kim Dotcom suggests McAfee ‘tax charges’ came after pair discussed creating anti-surveillance phone

Kim Dotcom, a fellow tech entrepreneur and target of the US government facing a long prison sentence, suggested tax charges against John McAfee came soon after the pair discussed creating an anti-surveillance phone that would “piss the mass spying US govt off”.

It would have had an air-gapped camera and microphone with an open-source operating system a secure crypto wallet.

“Shortly after he was arrested on ‘tax charges’,” Dotcom said.

In another tweet to a McAfee video about the deep state, Dotcom said the deep state is real and is run by corporate interests that control spy agencies, politicians, judges, fake news media, big tech and people in power.

